
Hector Drummond is an author, musician and songwriter. He used to be an academic, and for part of his career he was based in a University risk institute where he worked with several people who are now prominent in the lockdown debate. He was also the creator of the worldwide Skeptics in the Pub movement.

He has written four books. His latest book is The Face Mask FAQ – you can (for the time being) read excerpts of it on this website. (It might get a name change before it comes out in print form.)

His novel The Biscuit Factory Vol. I: Days of Wine and Cheese, is a modern campus satire, essential reading for anyone who… well, just anyone.

Ian the Deep End: The Political Diaires of Ian Junction (former Conservative MP for Stagland and Truncheon Castle) is currently only available to his Patreon subscribers, but will eventually be available for general sale.

His children’s book Langdon Crater: Alien Exterminator will be released in 2022.

He has had numerous articles published in tedious academic journals with ludicrous names like American Journal of Research Letters in Philosophical Transactions (New Series), Whatchamacallit Quarterly, and Gigarenzaheinz. Well, that sort of thing, anyway. He’s also published a lot of articles in non-academic journals and magazines as well, including the New Criterion, Partisan Review, The Critic, The Australian’s Review of Books, The Skeptic, Spiked, and Quadrant.

E-mail: hector at hectordrummond dot com